You'll be safe with me


On this journey that you're making there'll be answers that you'll seek

The air rushed around Sequoia as she ran, whipping her fur and tail around as she rushed back to the cave where she had left her mother. The darkness rushed passed her on both sides and the landscape blurred as her eyes moistened to compensate for the air blowing into them. She ran as fast as her legs would carry her but even running at her fastest either of the other canines would have easily outmatched her. Her large body wasn't meant for speed.

The shout that came right after her takeoff barely registered in her brain. She was too focused on protecting the only part of her family she had left. Her pace didn’t slow and she continued on even after the second shout from the alpha. When she reached the base of the mountain below where the cave was situated she didn’t hesitate to start climbing.

Her large paws gave her traction as she made her way through the trees that decorated the mountain’s base. Even in her haste she reached the mouth of the cave safely. She stood in the cave’s entrance, catching her breath as she stared at the sleeping form of her mother. She was safe and sound after all.

It's you who'll climb the mountain. It's you who'll reach the peak.

205 / this is where the ooc goes

template by revo. <3


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