You'll be safe with me


On this journey that you're making there'll be answers that you'll seek

Sequoia barely had time to catch her breath before she heard the other coming up to the cave behind her. She turned and backed up, shielding her sleeping mother from the other wolf. Now in a protective stance she raised herself up and drew back her lips, showing off the pink gums beneath. Yet even as she took this more aggressive stance her tail remained tucked between her legs and her ears were pinned back in submission. She was telling the other to stay where she was, that she did not want to fight.

X’yrin’s words confused the larger wolf and it took her a few moments to understand. There had never been a threat. It was all in the small canine’s mind. Comprehension flickered across her face and she relaxed her posture, letting her lips fall back to cover her gums. She was still wary of the other female though, her inexperience with strangers making her all the more cautious, and she stayed in a protective position between X’yrin and Willow.

Something else the female had said caught her attention and confusion wrinkled her features yet again. “Your.. family?” Her voice reflected how unsure she was; as though she thought she had misheard the other. There was no way that the small canine was her family. They looked nothing alike, so different in fact that they could be two different species. It just didn’t make any sense.

It's you who'll climb the mountain. It's you who'll reach the peak.

238 / this is where the ooc goes

template by revo. <3


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