You'll be safe with me
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In light of the present situation, the female's defensive posture was received with a like disposition but more as a means to preserve her own safety should fear rule the other into attacking. The Alpha's eyes remained honed on the other, tail raised with ears arched forward but made no aggressive display. The last thing she needed was to exacerbate an already tense situation.

X'yrin remained as she was, standing still and waiting for her words to be absorbed and most importantly understood. Just a gleam of comprehension was all it took for the large female to let her ears fall comfortably back and tension melt from her body. Finally. Clarity.

But her ears came forward again when inquired about her Sira, her 'family'. The word was natural to her, the common calling of the pack they dwelled it. It hadn't crossed her mind that addressing the jackal as otherwise might appear odd to outsiders. But then, how often was she able to introduce her charge as such? Feeling the tense air had been somewhat diffused, the corners of her lips pulled back gently into a smile, and with it a subtle nod of affirmation.

"Yes , my family," maintaining a quiet volume, she continued. "Sira is a part of my pack that call the mountain and some of its surrounding land our home. 'Family' is a term that comes from my culture that describes a unified body as those that are accepted it in." X'yrin paused and let her words settle before continuing. "I have learned since coming here that 'family' is often used to describe a bloodline. I apologize for the confusion, on all accounts for this evening."

280 words.

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