Solutions Maybe
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  • Setting: Morning of Aug 11th
  • Location:
  • Form: Secui

  • It had been a long night, filled with confusion, but through determination a resolution was found as well as information that calmed the worried Nomad’s mind. She was able to sleep soundly knowing there was no threat to her Family, but was still troubled by what had caused the misunderstanding in the first place. Sira.

    She had taken extensive care over the young woman. Coddled her, tried to help her assimilate into the pack as welcoming as she could. All in the hopes it would let her trust the Family more and see there was no reason to fear. But these hallucinations of bad males trying to take her away… they were growing tiresome and disheartening. The Issor was no stranger to time healing wounds, but a positive influence tended to quicken the process. But were her experiences here not positive enough? What had the autumn female been doing wrong for her charge to still be fearful of what did not exist?

    Waking with these troubled thoughts, she left the chambers in the morning to seek out her friend. Instruction was left to the pup in her care to tread lightly when he walked around the dens, but otherwise affirmed his freedom to roam. Blind though he was, he was a resourceful and able pup and trusted him to be in the care of the Family if he wandered too far from a ‘safe’ path.

    X’yrin followed Sira’s scent, easily distinguished from the heavy scent of wolf and the wild. She took the façade of the mountain underpaw bounding from stable rock to the next to quicken her assent keeping her companion’s scent fresh in her flared nostrils. The sobs of pain…emotional but not physical, drew her ears forward as her search came to an abrupt and heart wrenching end. Halting just a little ways from the small jackal, she lowered both her ears and tail portraying a non threatening image before coming closer. “Sira..” the she-wolf called softly to her family. “Sira wasn’t wrong? It is the morning of a new day…you should smile for it. Not cry for the loss of night.”

    354 words.

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