pillars of salt
*punts this fail post into a portal*
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“I think it's purely a state of mind, but who knows. People have their reasons,” or so he supposed. Laurel didn't give two shits one way or another the way the wind blew. If people wanted to hate each other, there wasn't a whole lot he could do to stop it, so he simply stated out of it. Life went on anyway and he had managed to stay alive and mostly unscathed his entire life with that mindset. “They get it in their heads that one apple spoils the bunch, and then the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and then their kids are told the same thing all of their lives. Cycle keeps going.” And so it had for hundreds of years for all he knew.

But anyway, the whole thing didn't surprise him. Hybrids were the ones caught in between, especially if they just happened to be split fifty-fifty on the whole thing, he reckoned that they were caught right in the cross-hairs of fire from both sides. It wasn't like they could choose their heritage, they couldn't reverse what their blood was made of, and it was just plain common sense that they couldn't change who their parents were. “Hell, most of our band is made up with wolves, but I've been in ones that were spilt pretty evenly on whatever. Coyote, wolf, hybrid, we're all forks out of the same tree in my book.” He'd met coyotes and wolves that were pretty nasty to their own kind and maybe a hybrid or two that thought they were the greatest things on earth, having the best of both worlds.


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