sound the siren out through the streets

I'd been planning on it since I saw it. XD

It quickly became apparent that this wouldn't be the typical meeting--they already had some hazy lines connecting them, and those were the sorts of things that he had learned to cling to. Truly, Inferni was the only place he'd ever felt like he belonged; he'd loved the territory before they'd even gotten there, he had family here, and he had a purpose (as jaded as it may be). For Anselm, that was about as good as it got. "Hopefully you haven't been waiting too long," he replied smoothly, knowing damn well that she hadn't for even been around for a full week.
"Anselm de le Poer," he offered. "Gabriel is a distant cousin of mine. I was in the area already when everybody came from over the mountain, so I was able to show him around and help Inferni get established. Originally his mate was leading, but she left with the kids when the war started," he explained. To him, his position was logical enough--he and Gabriel were the largest in the clan and they trained the most extensively, so it made sense that they were charged with protecting the motley crew. Even then, they failed. His eyes subconsciously moved in the direction of Firefly's shed; she was a reminder that Talitha was still missing--their biggest failure to date.

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