A cool breeze, a hot heart
Aeron nodded as she listened to Helotes speak. So he was a Lykoi but one who was not raised in the netting of inferni. Then why travel to get tangled in the netting? why had she traveled so far to be apart of it? that was a good question something she wasn't sure even she could answer. She huffed as she looked at him. I take it all the ranks above you are vacant. I know how Inferni works. I lived there once. I was once a Hydra She spoke looking to him. she smirked a bit. The difference in us though is I'm a leader your a soldier She teased moving closer to him. She liked his looks it had to admit that she almost urged to be around the strong coyotes of inferni.

I'm a traitor dear boy I ditched you to live with wolves. How horrible am I even my own daughter thinks I'm scum She said smiling a bit. She had to admit that she was glad to find someone who didn't seem to snarl at her for not being in inferni. Aeron looked at him as she leaned back against the tree hands behind her back golden eyes glistening. She didn't mind playing games after all she wouldn't mind having his kids if they looked as stunning as him.

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