Sharp Tempers
The backing away did get Raoth to relax a little, tension easing from his frame. Perhaps it wouldn't come to a fight. Shame. He really wanted one. There was no reason to start one if the hybrid was just going to listen to him though. The dark eyes watched the distance increase, pride in his eyes. That was right. No one bossed him around. He was in charge of everything. His tail swagged behind him, a smile tugging at his lips as he watched the canine reverse.

The sound of the growl immediately brought a deep one from the coyote. It was one of the few noises he could make without sounding like he was gargling something dead in his throat. Raoth opened his mouth to let out a rasping bark, but all that slipped out was some hissing. Humiliated to have his weakness exposed like that Raoth straightened up, doing his best to act like he hadn't just made a ridiculous pathetic noise. He pointed towards Halifax and jerked his head in that direction.

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