Part of the Whole

WC: 3+

Shadow was made to stand and then his hand was taken. It was a welcome feeling knowing that his Alpha cared about his thoughts and also that he would be so happy to hear about Shadow's feeling for him. Shadow did not lie when he talked about loving Zalen, he did, he was important to him and he would lay down his life for the man if need be. Shadow saw the glimpses of smiles that were given him and he had to smile a little right back and then when his Alpha's face grew serious again he knew what was coming. The words came from Zalen and Shadow said and did nothing, his face and body became stone as he watched and listened to everything his leader had to say. only after he was done did he slowly nod and he moved forward and gave Zalen a hug and as he did he spoke while keeping him in the friendly embrace.

"Zalen, Thank you for being here for me and for saying that I will not have to take part in the hunt for Amy, please, rest easy knowing that I will no longer push any attempts on my life and I will no longer voice my opinion about the hunting of Amy. You kow how I feel and you are the pack so that is all I could ask for. Your my brother, my family and my friend. I will do nothing to hinder or get in the way of what goes on with Amy ad when the time comes I would like to go...Me and her are both assassin's I can at least keep her from hurting the others in the pack. I want to protect you and all I love, I am here for the pack, my heart, soul and blood are one with you all. "


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