Skeletons of the past
OCC- Hope you don't mind my joining! Smile BTW referring to character as Red Eyes in this thread and not his real name. Sorry it's a bit long Tongue

Red Eyes decided to keep looking ahead, if a slave was indeed following him, then getting away was his first step. He had been hunting on the outskirts of a ruined human settlement, when a dark grey wolf appeared from below a shallow bank in the trees. Red Eyes didn't stop and get a good look at the wolf, but by his rugged appearance, Red Eyes could only guess that he wasn’t looking for directions.

Red Eyes raced towards the ruins, hoping that the randomly arranged heights of the stones there would give him cover from this slave. He had already tripped twice on the rubble and stone that lay around him, so looking forward was his only option to avoid these habits. Soon enough a rough stone wall appeared, getting higher up would allow him to climb, and climbing for Red Eyes was faster than running. He skidded to a halt in front of the ruined wall and quickly found foot holds and parts easy to grab. Sure enough he reached the top, it wasn’t far off the ground, but from standing on this wall, he could hop across to other walls and ruins. As long as this slave chasing him only had a knife, he wouldn't be able to get Red Eyes from this distance.

Holding his arms out to keep balance, Red Eyes proceeded forwards, careful in case stone parts were to loosen and fall at his feet. After he had got his rhythm and balance, he could almost run along the walls. He smiled as he did, not slave could keep up with him at this pace. He looked back to check his distance from the wolf. That was his downfall.
Not seeing the crack running from part of the wall in front of him that edged down to the side, Red Eyes stepped down, and as pressure ran through the unstable wall it collapsed. Red Eyes fell crashing down with a rain of rubble behind him. He quickly lifted his arms above his head as he landed against a hard metal surface. As he landed, pieces of rotten wood sprayed away, and the stone rubble made a manic sound as they also hit the surface.
Red Eyes groaned, and carefully raised himself to stand. He shook his head quickly and glanced across the path. He went cold when he saw another wolf some way down the path, he studied it, and to his relief saw that the wolf had mostly light grey fur, and not fully dark grey fur like the slave. But that meant the slave was still out there looking, and now it was a danger to both him and this new wolf. Red Eyes hurried towards the new stranger to warn him of the danger.

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