You'll be safe with me


On this journey that you're making there'll be answers that you'll seek

Sequoia’s attention left X’yrin as she began to speak, turning her eyes back to her mother. She watched her anxiously, upset that they had awoken her. The older wolf needed her sleep. As Willow started to slowly get up, Sequoia drew closer to her, ready to offer a shoulder to lean on if her mother needed it. Her support wasn’t needed, however, and Willow brushed off her daughter to turn her attention to the stranger.

As her mother took a few steps closer to X’yrin, Sequoia too drew forward. Both of their attention was now focused on the alpha for the remainder of what she had to say. When X’yrin had finished, Willow dipped her head in courtesy before bringing it up to a lower level than the alpha’s. Sequoia, seeing this display of respect, mimicked her mother and held her own head lower than either of the other two. She knew she was the bottom of the totem pole in this situation and she held back to let the other two speak.

“It’s a little late for a visit, X’yrin.” The elder wolf spoke with a smile in her soft voice. She was not upset at the disturbance and could guess that it probably had something to do with her daughter’s over-protective habits. “My name is Willow and this is my daughter, Sequoia.” Sequoia flicked her ear when her name was mentioned but made no move to say anything. She lowered her hindquarters to the ground as she listened, tired from both the running and the adrenaline. Her focus was mostly on her mother as she continued to speak.

A concerned look crossed Willow’s face when she went on. “I didn’t know we were so close to your borders. We’ve been travelling around the mountain, looking for.. a place to settle, I suppose.” She paused to give her daughter a concerned look and Sequoia took the opportunity to speak. “We’ll be leaving in the morning.” After this they would have nowhere to go but away from the mountain. The thought terrified Sequoia but she kept this fear locked away, trying to be strong for her mother and for herself.

It's you who'll climb the mountain. It's you who'll reach the peak.

360 / this is where the ooc goes

template by revo. <3


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