You'll be safe with me
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It was a part of her culture to respect the elders regardless of gender or status, and in compliance with this embedded discipline, X'yrin lowered her head as the elder female drew closer and announced herself. Though her submissive posture did not linger too long. She remained silent as both females were introduced, nodding to Sequoia when address now given a name to call her by, but out of respect kept her eyes on the elder Willow. Her ears were kept forward, periodically turning at the sound of late night fodder rustling the shrubs nearby. But her attention was held by the intentions of the pair, by the sound of it, on their Endless Path as the Issor had once been. A brow peaked in thought, then was joined by the other in surprise to hear that in the morning they would leave.

"Do you not wish to settle within the mountain?" It had began as a partial thought, but her concern got the better of her and forced the words into the open, inflexion and all as plain as day. It was not her place to inquire their reasoning for leaving, but if their intentions had been to survey the mountain to find a place, why then would they choose to forgo it? Unless they had hoped to live in solace and were disturbed from doing so by the events of this night. Guilt as rare as it was to show upon her face was an emotion she had always failed to conceal. The pomp of her rank seemed to melt away from her posture, both ears and head falling gradually until they perked again with a sudden thought.

Looking from Willow to her daughter, the Nomad continued. "If I may offer... perhaps you would rather sleep within protected borders than in the open." With a swift toss of her head, she gestured back toward the way she came while at the same time tossing her overgrown bangs from her eyes. "It is not only gain a restful sleep, but also as a consolation for my disturbing you both this evening."

352 words.

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