I Sing the Song of the Warrior
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I N T H E V E S T I G E S I W A L K . . .

Name: Cwmfen nic Graine
Full Name: Cwmfen nic Graine mac Corvus
Pronounciation: Koom-ven nick Grahn-ya
Name Meaning: Cwmfen whose mother is Graine [whose father is Corvus]

Birthdate: 2oo6.1o.31. (Samhain)
Gender: Female
Luperci: Luperci Verto; she believes that she is Luperci Ortus, but she was changed when her father raped her.
Birthplace: Catuvellauni Territory, Caledonia
Ethnicity: Half Caledonian, Half Korean
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Soul-Grade: Good-Evil

Dream: Pied Raven

Weapons: She weilds many, but her favorites are
        The Raven Spear: Celtic style spear, leaf shaped blade with the
        Raven Dream Knot engraved upon it.
        Badb: Celtic sword [bronze age], similar to a Roman gladius.

        Ancestor: Turuambar Wolfbane
        Sire: Corvus Vendetta
        Dame: Graine

        Lover: Jet Onus
        Scions: Honor Onus, Chastity nic Cwmfen

        Cwmfen is a kind wolf, patient and quiet. She holds herself with a modest regality and with a peculiar refined silence. But within those warm, milky orbs is a hint of something wilder, something purely lupine. It is clear that she does not accept foul play from others. Because of her upbringing, she prefers her solitude, finding it beautiful. She has many social ineptitudes, having never truly interacted with other wolves until her acceptance into Dahlia de Mai. However, her loyalty is strongly with her pack, and she strives to serve her pack well.

        Contrary to her kind disposition, she loves the thrill of the fight. To fight wars is her passion. Through self training and true encounters, she strives to make herself the best warrior that she can be. Cwmfen has attained an enlightenment that warriors can achieve, her emotions diluted. Her life revolves about battle, for fighting is a way of knowing. She preferrs to fight weaponless, although she understands the value of weapons and can weild them with exceptional skill.

        Cwmfen has the ability to clearly cut the line between her duty and her personal life. She understands that a friend can also be an enemy, and so while she may carry out the acts of friendship outside her pack, she may willingly and without hesitation attack and kill that friend should it become an enemy. She has that cold ability to kill without hesitation, without regret. While she values life, she is also a creature of death, finding the killing of a life strangely exhilarating.

        She fears very little, but she does fear her father (and, disturbingly, loves him too). Because of the darkness with which she was created, Cwmfen is deeply intrigued by the darkness held within the hearts of wolves. She finds herself thusly drawn to those who harbor it. Cwmfen is not sexually promiscuous, but she will allow herself to be satisfied by those she believes to be 'intriguing'. She views sexual intercourse as a way of knowing, believing that at sexual climax souls are able to brush up against one another.

        She has color and sound synesthesia. That is why she hears songs in the world and in people when they speak, and that is also why those songs have colour. Movement, especially martial forms, cause her to hear music as well. The music that she hears, however, is not the same music that the humans have created. They are often sounds of a singular nature, a sort of clear, smooth ring that fluxuates with the intensity of the melody. There are also other songs that she can hear, and the songs that she does hear usually take on some sort of percussic sound. Her synesthesia has influenced her life in all aspects, as well as her tendency to view the world through symbols.

        Freedom is something that her soul greatly requires. It is what causes her to wander often through the lands. It is also what causes her to resist the ties of mateship. Thus, she views the world with almost amoral preferences, chosing to be accepting of the different habits of creatures, regardless of their severity within societies. Because she has integrated herself into such a society, she upholds the calls of Justice when it is required of her. One thing, however, that she cannot tolerate is disrespect.

        Skill: Cwmfen's primary skills lie in the arts of war. She is exceptionally skilled in battle with her lupus form, having lived in that form for most of her first two years. She understands that her size and strength may, at times, be lacking, and she has learned to manipulate the strength and momentum of others. In her Optime form, it is the same. However, her fighting style mirrors that of the ancient martial arts of Korea. When using weapons, she uses the sword, shield, and spear in the way of the Caledonian warriors. She also understands the way of the Korean sword and the longsword, as well as the bow, bo staff, and knives.
        Languages: She speaks English, Korean, Latin, and Scottish-Gaelic fluently. However, she most often speaks in the English. She cannot, however, read in any language.
        Religion: Cwmfen follows the tripple-goddess of war, the Morrigan, Nemain in particular. It is through this religion that she Dreams**. However, she does not practice through ritual often because no one has ever taught her the ways of such things. Essentially, she is a Druid.

**The Dream animal, the Raven, guides her Dreams. Cwmfen does not dream as other individuals do, and has never known the simple pleasures of a good dream or a bad dream. She Dreams only with the guidence of the Raven, who reflects upon the actions that have been taken and must be taken. The Raven guides her premonitions, and shows them to her in the hours of sleeping.

        Cwmfen is of the mixed heritage of Korea and Caledonia. Her half-blood appearance gives her a plain beauty, but she is not concerned with her appearance. There's an androgenous quality in her facial appearance, but it is the strange and beautiful ambiguity of the Wild. It is the same Wild that makes her gaze feirce.

        She's a slender wolf, and she's relatively strong; her strength may not add up to most males, but she has speed on her side. Her lithe form allows her to move gracefully and swiftly, although her fluidity is beyond most and is almost ethereal and beautiful. Her black coat is thick and sleek, carrying a healthy sheen. Within her mane is bound a Raven's feather. This feather is black and dipped in the red of blood spilt by her own hand-- a warrior's Kill Feather. Pale blue markings that mimick the woad of the olde world adorn her body, and white orbs contrast greatly as if holding openly the light of her soul. A genetic mutation causes her iris to lack pigmentation; the retina was made strangely reflective, appearing white, especially from a distance. The reflective retina gives her enhanced night vision, although it also gives her sensitive to light.

        In her optime form, her hair is kept short, cropped to no longer than the nape of her neck. It is cut with arched bangs that fram her face and brow. Her body is well trained and the effects of such training are visible, although her sinew does not make her less gracefull. Many scars, most light and invisible beneath her fur, adorn her skin.

Reference Pictures:
Character Reference Sheet
The Raven Dream Knot
Reference of Cwmfen's Den Beneath the Oak

        She has a Raven, who is her companion and is the epitome of her dream. He is not the usual animal companion, for she does not keep him as a pet, nor does she command him.

        While he has the appearance of a common raven, he has the colouring of a pied crow and is missing his left eye. There's something strange about his personality, for it seems as if he is cold in his regard of the world. He is not always present, but he is often there. This Raven acted as the eyes of Corvus Vendetta, watching Cwmfen and leaving to report to him of her activities in explicit detail. The Raven itself is not evil, however. It simply obeys the word of its master.


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