Skeletons of the past
OCC- There is a Terminator reference in this post, see if you can spot it Smile

Red Eyes breathed heavily once he'd reached the grey wolf, the strain of climbing, jumping, falling and running was taking its toll on him. He looked down at the wolf's extended hand, while confused at first; he remembered that some wolves used the shaking of two hands as a greeting. Red Eyes had no idea where this trait came from, but it was a little strange. Either way, Red Eyes ignored it and looked at the wolf, "I'm fine thanks.... Little out of breath.... but that can't be helped," Red Eyes took a large breath and was about to explain their danger, until he noticed the strange weapon in the wolf's free hand, "Is that a spear.... Haven’t seen one of them before.... Not many use them.... Pretty hard to control if I'm-" Red Eyes stopped suddenly when he saw the dark grey wolf further down the track.

It froze in place, when it saw the new wolf, probably because attack a wolf from a pack would be dangerous. Red Eyes inhaled air through his nose, this wolf wasn't from a pack, he panicked as soon enough the slave would smell it too. The slave raised its muzzle up for a few seconds and looked back at Red Eyes, snarling.
Red Eyes' eyes widened, "Ok listen, there's a little problem with the situation you've landed in, and I'd appreciate it if you co-operated until we're safe, all right?" Red Eyes didn't wait for a reply, as he saw the slave start running in his direction, "Come with me if you want to live." Red Eyes gesture for the wolf to follow with his hand before starting towards the ruins to his left.

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