baa baa black sheep, have you any wool


Aiden blinked in shock as the girl touched noses with him and spoke her mind. When she finally finished and pulled away, the male found himself throwing his head back in a blatantly honest fit of laughter before he bothered with his reply. When he grinned down at the girl, all his tension eased away and his blue eyes were glittering with amusement. Well, you've definitely got guts girl, and a good point. Still chuckling softly, he winked at her, his sapphire gaze taken by hers of amber.

Relaxing more, Aiden shifted an arm behind him, leaning back lazily. Either way, you're right, though I'll admit I'm extremely surprised to find someone still here who knows a relative. There are only two original branches of the Stormbringers left; Ravyn's line, and her brother Crow's. Though I do admit the bloodline is gaining strength again, I had thought most of us still remained with the two respective packs. Looks like the wanderlust is as much a part of us as...other traits are.

For a moment, the male pondered the name given to him. Kol...if he remembered correctly, she was one of Crow's youngest grandchildren, probably still nothing but a bratty pup the only time he'd met her. It had been ten months past, during the annual holiday the related lines took to reunite. How interesting that his cousin had been drawn to Souls as much as he'd been. So her name's Kol, mmm?

Table by Tay


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