make haste along the way under full sail

Endymion's eyebrows disappeared under his auburn bangs; what a story indeed! He wondered why anyone would want to read such a story, but he had been raised to be polite, as the other had, so he said nothing. Instead, he nodded and said, "I'll keep it in mind." Absently, he turned back to the accumulation of books resting inside the cylindrical room. Who had taken the time to bring all them there, from the human city? That was a pretty decent walk from Ashen Mountain, he had to say. Peering up, he caught sight of the books that were quite a distance above the both of them, though Valentine was a good bit taller than his redwolf counterpart. Glancing back, Endymion realized that he hadn't introduced himself, and neither had the other. "I'm Endymion Russo," he offered, along with his hand.


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