You'll be safe with me
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Watching the two as they contemplated, the Nomad recalled the time when she had been in their place when approaching the borders of Ichika. Though she had followed a scent as opposed to being confronted by the Alpha directly. A great deal of consideration had gone into her decision to temporarily end her journey and learn of the peace-loving wolves for the sake of refuge and a home. Those steps that day had been heavy and uncertain, but within the lush green fields they became light and free. And it was there that she found something to keep her within the lands and dedicate herself to protecting it.

But the matter for the pair to think on was not about joining. It would have been presumptuous to offer something of that extent without knowing who they were in depth and where they came from. It was an offer to give them refuge and perhaps a meal, a night's rest in comfort until they were ready to make of their paths what may come before them.

X'yrin was silent though she pushed herself up to stand due to restlessness. What would have turned into mild pacing was abruptly detoured to standing still when her offer was accepted by Willow. Smiling, the Issor lowered her head graciously with high tail swaying gleefully. "That is wonderful to here," she sighed softly in relief. Turning her head back the way she came, her body followed seamlessly with stray auburn tresses trailing along the ground in her wake. "Please follow me and I'll show you to our dens."

263 words.

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