Tonight, explore.

Word Count → 000 :: >>Artan!<<

His camp that had become his home during the lonely days spent in Saul's pack. But today his excitement was engaged. He would be starting his journey back to Cercatori today to visit for a brief few days before having to return for the next stage of the building that was due to start in another three or four days. It would take him quite a while of travelling to reach his home pack but with Artan to ride it would decrease his time spent on foot. The stallion in question was picketed a few meters away from his simple hammock.

Honrin was busy packing his meager belongings into his saddle bags with precise and almost obsessive order. He had his back to the stranger that approached his camp and didn't notice his arrival. As nice and welcoming as Saul's pack was Honrin missed Cercatori's flowery scent and despaired that his own pelt had adopted that of Vinátta, it made him feel strangely naked to be without his pack scent and more than that, almost a traitor to take on another. He grimaced to himself and rubbed into his fur the dried flower powder he'd made. There. At least he smelt a bit more like home now.

A single bark interrupted his solitude and preparation. One quick moment was all it took and before he could grasp what was happening, everything drained away, his excitement and happiness replaced by monotonic stillness. Deep within his mind he raged and he howled with fury but on the outside he was cold and dead, his vibrant golden eyes dull. He turned to find a light colored male watching him. If he could snarl and if he could growl he would have unleashed hell upon him, this nameless stranger who had forced himself into recession again. There was no surprise in his eyes, no welcoming and also no anger just existence.

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