Solutions Maybe
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Seeing something other than a warrant for pity in the jackal's eyes gave X'yrin hope that her words were received and would be adhered. Her own disposition became more excited as the same was reflected on Sira and then some. Regardless of what X'ies told her small friend, undoubtedly with a callous tongue, she could and would be able to fight for herself and for the pack. It was an expectation that would be maintained by all the members of this Family.

"You will not be weak Sira," the Issor affirmed this expectation and stamped her paw on the ground with emphasis. "And I will personally see to it. And in time the Family will lend you their expertise as well to ensure your strength reaches its potential and beyond." The basis of this pack was to utilize the strength of the Family to better themselves and then the Family in turn. Positive forces reinforcing the other regardless of the challenge of a single individual. This value was the cornerstone of the pack, and she would damn well see it be fulfilled especially now that one of their aspiring members was in need.

But before great things could come to fruition, it had to begin small. And this was no exception. "We will start with what comes naturally to you, when you are ready. And from there with time your abilities will be molded to suit defending yourself and more. It will be a process that takes time, but I promise you will see the positive results of your labors."

260 words.

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