Say it Once...Say it Twice
Word Count :: 200+ || Points: 2 Ooc.

So this wasn’t a dream. He held her firmly and savored the warmth she gave him. Her breath on his chest was magnificent, the feel of her muscled body wrapped in his grasp was too. He could think of absolutely nothing as precious and pleasure filled as this simple moment of love felt once again. And her eyes! Oh how they told him everything he wanted to know and more. They filled him with an energy he could barely suppress. He felt the need to pick her of off her feet and spin her in his own dance of joy. He wanted to run the length of Sangi’lak and sing it from the top of his lungs that she still loved him. Both were doable if not for the treacherous rocks scattered at their feet or his desire to never let her go. So much had been lost without this love and now all seemed right.

Another whine of happiness sung forth from him with the feeling of her kiss and he returned it two for one. I was so afraid I’d lost you, He admitted quickly with a light sheen over his blues that threatened to turn to tears of joy. I’m so sorry for all I did to push you away. I’ll never let such petty things come between us again. and he was honest. Looking back, he realized he would beg and submit or even roll onto his belly at her command to keep from this agony. No amount of pride was worth losing her. Here, he reached for his gift still clutched in her paws. Let’s see how it looks on you.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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