pillars of salt


He could understand what Laurel was saying, but he could also see why it couldn't be avoided. One apple might not be enough to spoil the whole lot of them, but when you got a bad one every other time you picked one out it was harder to be forgiving. In his experience, at least, he was met with hostility a good portion of the time. It wasn't like it could be dismissed as an outlier or easily ignored. Most of it wasn't an unwillingness to change on his part, either; even in 'Souls, where things were slightly more forgiving, he'd managed to get along with a number of wolves that hadn't attacked him outright. Umbra, Bleach, Poe, Naniko.. Indeed, a number of his encounters here had been pleasant enough. Unfortunately, wolves like Iskata and Deuce still stuck out in his mind as nasty wenches--and then there was practically all of Dahlia de Mai. As for the kids, it was unfortunate that they perpetuated the feud, but once more little could be done to change things. He'd been pestered religiously because of his mother's mixed blood as a child, and he knew that the Inferni youth were targeted, too (Talitha was a prime example, as well as the poor kid Haku destroyed).
"Where I grew up wasn't a very nice place. There wasn't even much fresh water, much less prey. Fights were a daily event, and coyotes and hybrids got the worst of it. But here, there are plenty of rivers and lakes, and there is a prey population great enough to sustain large numbers. If nothing else, there is always the sea--inland we didn't have that for fishing and whatnot. I suppose I don't understand what the big deal is--I see no need to go intruding on others' spaces, and if everybody else did the same there's really nothing stopping everyone from ignoring everyone else entirely." There; he had said it. This was something that gnawed at the back of his mind constantly, simply because it defied logic. Yet strangely, nobody seemed to grasp the concept except for him. It was really quite agitating when he got to thinking about it.

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