Little Spy

OOC here!

Word Count → 000

The pup's tail banged against the wagon, echoing as she tugged on the reins and turned the horse to start walking away. She had found a calm camp in the center of the woods for her to have her pups, complete with a cave. There would be no medic at this birth. The dog wanted to howl, shout how unfair it was to the world. Bringing a Sunders into the world as if she was a common animal! There was no choice though, not with the danger that was around. Amy would just have to keep how they were born a secret.

The start of a sentence brought Amy's attention back to Kohaku, away from the fate of her children. He was being surprisingly hesitant for one raised to be bold and confident. She had done her best to mold him, though there was resistance at times. The question that came caught Amy off guard, actually looking down to the pup's green eyes. His question was so earnest, a small whine slipping from the dog as she looked at him. I won't abandon you. You belong to me, and I never let go of what's mine. She fondled his ears, a surprising softness in her eyes as she looked at the stolen pup.

Image courtesy of thefarthestshore@deviantART

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