Let's do some stupid shit
DaVinci had been following her trail, it was obviously stale but he knew sooner or later that it would lead to her, or atleast to the territories that she'd decided to reside in. He knew that there was really no reason to seek her out, she was probably happy at whatever she'd been playing at now. Frowning to himself as he caught the sound of heavy steps through the edge of the woods he turned away from his search and loped off after the noisy creature.

It didn't take him to long to find the owner of the heavy steps and after following her silently for a little bit he realized that she was injured. Stepping out from the shadows he spoke up. "You've got a long way to go.." he paused for a moment before adding. "Where ever it is you're off to." Raising a brow at the lady he forgot for a moment how or what he probably appeared like to the poor girl. He hadn't been around to witness the mischief that the clan had been up to now but he knew that sooner or later he'd learn, not that it was on his mind as of yet.

Taking another step towards the girl he went on. "Anyways.. I'm looking for someone.. I think she lives around here." He knew he sounded a bit pathedic but how the hell was he suppose to find her if she actually had shacked up with some pack. He doubted that any of them would just let him come frolicing into their mists no matter how much happiness he brought along, after all, he was the splitting image of a coyote.

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