[M]Uncaged and raged
Aeron moved as close to Charm as she could her golden body mere inches from the calico dame. She loved her she was good, she was not like herself. She was the one thing that Aeron had to worry about. Her daughter was strong and bold and all she had to do was stay in the pack lands. Aeron sighed as she reached for charm.

Aeron looked at her. We are lovers, we are a family and I love everything about you. You are my world. She said looking into her. She knew that she hadn’t been making charm happy and she knew that she needed to do something to make her happy. There just wasn’t anything she could think of. She was so sorry she should not have yelled at her. I’ll do better I’ll ask more I promise I’m sorry baby please forgive me. She said as she looked at her. Her soft lilac eyes held annoyance at her.

Aeron moved to hold Charms face in her hand. I made a vow to love you. You are not being thrown away. You are not trash you are the love of my life. Aeron Smiled as she moved to kiss her. She loved her. I want you happy if that means changing a bit I will It won’t be easy I’m not good like you I will never be. She said smiling. Let me fix that mark no one brands my mate but me. She smiled looking at her. I want you happy not hiding from me.

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