Old Friends and New Skills
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They were coming toward the reason now, she could hear it in his voice though it seemed to trail away in thought. His persistence though flattering, had begun to encroach on the point of insult, bristling her hackles but showing little more of her irritation. If there was one aspect that could rightly be acknowledged about her now, it was that she despised having her thoughts challenged to such a degree. But she withheld her display of anger and took to hearing him out in the hopes the growing situation would resolve itself.

If flesh could be torn with a blade, then she could bare it if it meant she would find a weakness in her opponent an exploit it. A wound could heal. The scar on her shoulder was proof of that. But when it was not enough to make a point then, her gaze had sparked an interest in the Issum drawing his attention to the guards over his arms. Her ears flicked forward as they were acknowledged and offered as a substitute for a weapon. X'yrin huffed softly, growing weary of trying to defend her stand against it. A shield, he implied it to be. But was it any different than a weapon? Slightly the female shook her head.

"I do not believe it would be any different," she contested softly but with a strain on her voice as mental fatigue set in. Why couldn't he just let this be? "But perhaps a compromise. If you can prove that a weapon...your guards are useful, then I will not contest learning how to use them. But if I am able to best you, we drop this matter and do not bring it up unless I come to you about it. Would you consider this fair?" Would he take the offer before a pleasant day was turned dark?

309 words.

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