Sharp Tempers
It looked like the mutt had at least some training. Instead of the fist connecting again with the satisfying pop that had occurred the first time his strike was dodged at super speed. It brought a frustrated growl from the lithe coyote, pulling back his fist and doing his best to keep his balance. The main thing he was thinking of right now was teaching this guy a lesson. He was not someone to mock, not someone to challenge, and DEFINITELY not someone to push around.

The lunge hit Raoth square in the chest, knocking both of them across. Raoth hit the ground hard, his momentum halted by a rather solid oak tree that was behind him. Growling he flashed his teeth forwards, moving to get flesh, any flesh, into his mouth where he could tear through it. Limbs flailed wildly as he tried to get back up to start hitting the guy again. He wasn't going down in this fight! This was a matter of pride!

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