Come fun, come all

Word Count :: OOC: Crappeh. Will get better. :3

Something was certainly off. Fayne knew her body well, her lupine body at least, and something was clearly wrong. During the past couple days Fayne had been trying to keep her mind off of the subtle decrease in her appetite and the nausea that hit her every now and then. The Delta knew from the moment her and Noah mated that this might have happened and now, it was. She was sure that she was pregnant even if it was early in her pregnancy. The silver woman wasn't sure how to feel about it. She'd always wanted children and it was all the better that she was pregnant by someone she loved. That part made her heart swell with joy. But, she wasn't sure if that someone even wanted children. Fayne hadn't gotten the chance to ask him before it happened. The heat had driven them both crazy and to the edge where they could no longer keep away from each other and a few minutes later, they were mated. A smile came to her dark lips when she thought about that day and how she and him were officially mates now. Bonded for life. But, the smile faded when she was reminded of the consequences of their hasty actions.

Fayne needed to find him and tell him, however much she was frightened of his reaction. The small wolf hoped with all her heart that he would be happy and look forward to being a father. This was happening and there was no way to stop it. The silver Delta left her roost in her meadow and headed towards the den, Noah's scent soon filled the air and Fayne's head dropped and ears pasted to her head as she neared the den. When she saw him a small whine drew from her lips and she stopped to gather herself before trotting to his side and nuzzling him in the scruff affectionately. It would be clear from her expression that something was wrong, whoever hard she tried to keep a smile on her face. Fayne wanted to smile, she was happy that this was happening..hopefully Noah would feel the same way. Her small voice pleaded for his attention paired with a submissive posture and a rehearsed smile. Noah, can we talk? There's something I have to tell you. Her tail swayed happily despite her hesitation, she just wanted to express her happiness for what was happening. Her dreams were coming true.

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