[M] Intensive Care
Word Count :: 400+ || Points: 4 Ooc.

It didn’t take long after the confrontation with his dear friend for Jaden to get over what ailed him. It put him off that she was so stubborn in her ways that he had to resort to literally beating his truth into her. Why could she not have simply complied? Just because she learned to do something didn’t mean she had to change the way she fought. Hell, she could decide to never pick up a weapon again so long as she could use it in an emergency. He had gone in hopes of spending a bit of time bonding with her over something they could both benefit from only to have his hopes dashed and be given a reminder they would still butt heads now and then despite rekindling their feelings for each other. Such was healthy and the Issum understood this. Not every day would be sunshine and happiness. So he had chosen to give up his bad mood and forgive her. She was feeling the pain of her decision anyway.

But, just because he was the victor didn’t mean he had escaped the Exultare unscathed. He too felt some discomfort in his sore abdomen and re-pulled back muscles. They were enough to bother him while he went about his business for the rest of the day and continuously remind him of the fight. She hadn’t let him check the damage either before leaving. How his blow affected her hadn’t been too pressing a matter to see to in his aggravation just after the battle, but the more he thought about it the more sure he felt that she needed to be checked up on. A concussion could be deadly if she slept on it. Better safe than horridly sorry for the rest of his life.

The black and white body returned home upon finishing his hunting and skinning for the pack caches sort of late. The heavy smell of heat washed over him as he stepped into the chambers and he stopped for a moment to clear his mind off it. A few deep breaths and movements of his sore muscles later the male approached X’yrin’s chamber quietly. He saw her and Zeus lying motionless and might have thought both of them asleep had he not seen the yellows of his desire. She sported the strongest of her four legged forms. Jaden had to dismiss the wish to shift and match her form brought on by longing she had excited in him with her expressive scent. Sensitive hands would be needed to feel for irregularities on her crown, if she let him close enough anyway. Hello, he said in a hushed voice for the sake of the sleeping pup, May I come in?

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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