Thank you, and good bye.
Her ears were folded back in disappointment as he asked her why she'd said the things she had. The next words he'd tried to convince her with just seemed to slip through the crack as she sighed and looked away from the grey and black male. She didn't even want to think of what real reason he had for leaving, she'd grown fond of the male and rather liked having him around. This sudden change to her already crashing world was more than she'd bargained for but there was nothing she could do to stop the tides. She took a deep draw of breath and let it out slowly as she waited til the calm took hold.

After a few moments she finally turned her once trusting eyes back to Asmodai and gave her reason. "I left once too, I left twice.. and there's no one who can walk away so cold, so lifeless and not have a reason." Hurt flashed in her eyes as she whispered. "Why..." She really didn't want an answer, she just wanted to turn and run, but there was nowhere to run now, just a deadend drive into the force of the sea.

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