[M] Intensive Care
Word Count :: 200+ || Points: 2 Ooc.

The trickling of water from the chamber’s main room filled the late hour with a soft ambiance. It helped the atmosphere to be cool and inviting. Jaden overlooked the simple sound as it had become part of his home and felt not the cool song of the water in the air but the tension in his body. Even as he listened to her words it burned in him. This was the first time they had been so close in private and away from the praying eyes of her pup since their fights and lengthy separation. Something about this intimacy under the circumstances excited him.

Such feelings maintained heat even as she inquired about his intentions. I was unaware you could check yourself for a concussion, he said simply, voice still soft. In this explanation he also saw a sudden opportunity. Light would be needed to see how her eyes adjusted and her chamber was already darkened. An invitation into his abode and further separation from the possibly of waking Zeus should things get… louder. If you haven’t, we will need the light, Black muzzle would then tip toward his own chamber as if his intentions were still solely to ensure he wellbeing. Standing, he watched to see if she would follow.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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