Sharp Tempers

Even he was surprised at his own ability to dodge the blow. He'd been in plenty of fights himself, most being sans weapons, but it'd been quite a while since he'd caught himself in some sort of actual fight with another obviously trained individual.

The lunge was almost all impulse as Harvey let the instincts of his past drive his body into action. His blue and brown eyes widened as he saw the coyote fall, and despite how much he'd just love to gloat about his being able to fight back, that wasn't the plan; he knew he had to stay focused, because this guy wasn't going to just end this thing easily. The Brit knew when he was up against a difficult opponent, and now was not a time to get too cocky.

Teeth bared and biting into him caused him to yelp, sharp pains driving him crazy as he tried raising his arms to defend himself. He wasn't going to run, but he saw no shame in blocking hits. Wincing as a result of the other brute's attacking, Harvey back off some, trying to create some space between them. He needed time to recuperate so he could think clearly, and be able to make actions afterward. This wasn't going to be easy.

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