[M] Intensive Care
Word Count :: 300+ || Points: 3 Ooc.

The pleasure he could see being gained from his touch was intoxicating. The fall of her ears and slowing of her breathing he watched carefully and continued to knead her muscle and soft tissues gently. It brought him closer to the instinctual desire that influenced him now. There needed to be more pleasure and touching. The craving was growing more intense now. But she broke from his grasp and inched closer to lie upon him and he found something oddly… comfortable in it. Having her so close didn’t necessarily provide more attraction but pull him from it for a moment so he could enjoy having her so close. But it didn’t last long. His eyes were roaming about her body again only a moment later.

The words of assurance were not exactly what he would have liked to here to ignite his passion but they were enough to settle his mind for now. One of his strong hands brushed lovingly down her neck and shoulder before he ran it then through the thick mane that had fallen onto his thigh. He let her relax for another minute or two while he played with her the long tresses of red. Then he took hold of her jaw so he could pull out from under it. Falling onto hands and knees, he placed his muzzle by hers. Open your eyes, his broad voice softly hummed. He would use a moment to analyze the beauty that laid within this time before assuring her she was alright, It seems my worrying was for nothing, he would then caress her muzzle with a kiss and release her.

Jaden would be left with no further reason to stay in his bipedal form after that. The shift would start with him on hands and knees to make it smooth while muscle and bone realigned semi-silently. When four secui legs stood firmly on the soft ground of the chamber, he would shake his shaggy mane to settle himself into this new form. It felt nice to give into the instinct that begged and burned in him. He found a place snuggly next to her and lay comfortably on his belly. A soft whine came forth from him to say how much he enjoyed her next to him before he turned to lick and nuzzle her neck.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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