[M] Intensive Care
Word Count :: 300+ || Points: 3 Ooc.

He was ready to move and ready to take what should have been him from the Alpha female but would be cruelly set to wait. The sudden wriggling of her body beneath him was surprising after her submission and warranted a hasty retreat from the male. He feared that maybe he’d hurt her somehow or she’d found some part of his promised bond unattractive. Rounding on her he realized this might not be the case.

The Issor took a play bow that flaunted the tantalizing sway of her rear. Jaden growled with irritation at the taunt and his ear flicked the tick seemingly able to hold through even when civilized thoughts didn’t. Only enough of his sense remained to keep from barking in order to not awaken the pup only a room away. What had become of his weary playmate? The prize had seemed so close and now it was out of reach and taunting him from across the room. Despite his show though, the male’s own shaggy black tail was swaying erect, confident, and excited. A bit of joy was to be found in her game even if it tightened the already tightly wound desires within him.

A mess of red and gold charged toward him and took him a bit off guard as he had begun slow steps to corner her. The pressure of her paws on his shoulders was partially dodged with a curling of his body and left directed bounce of his forepaws. He fell off balance for a moment but didn’t take to the ground fully. He pushed forward with a playful growl and sot to press his paws into her shoulder and take her to the ground once more. Should he fail, he would nip at her muzzle and try to take it between his teeth instead.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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