

Draugr is by Kiri!

The cat moved as others Draugr had seen in life: like water flowing over a stone, sliding over the earth as if their belly and paws were attached to it. And yet, she had also seen cats spring -- even Itzcitla's lazy fishing was accentuated with a lightning quickness Draugr was not quick to discount. Her pale purple eyes watched both the feline and the leader in turn, adjusting herself where necessary. Her hunting skills with others was not great: she had practiced mostly on her lonesome, chasing after the quick rabbit and young deer with only her shadow for accompaniment.

Now was different, though -- she hunted with the leadership, and she needed more than anything not to make a fool of herself. It was perhaps good that Draugr's instincts had taken hold -- she might have spent her time contemplating her next move instead of simply making it. As it was, she read the signals from the timberwolfish woman and followed obediently, drawing closer to the deer. She kept her feet light on the earth and did not stir much more than the occasional blade of grass -- and, with the ever-present wind, this was not a sound out of the ordinary.

A faint tremble swept through the younger woman's body. It was a slight thing, physically -- no more than a second's quake of her shoulders -- but her mind was shaking with the excitement of the hunt and the prestige that came with this particular one. Although Draugr tried to hold herself back and await command, the chance came too quickly for her instincts to ignore: the deer dropped his head to nuzzle at the bush, unaware of the slinking hunters in the grass.

The wolfdog flew, springing with coiled hindquarters toward the deer. One step, two, and the animal jerked in sudden acknowledgement of the hunters' presence, but her jaws were already hurtling toward its hindquarters. Her canines tore through soft flesh and muscle, but the animal was beginning to pull away. With a snap of her teeth, the hybrid sought a hold and found one -- on the thin, fleshless area between the bend of knee and the bony knob of ankle. She bit down, and the crunch reverberated through her skull.

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