ghosts of tomorrow
DaVinci raised a brow at his sibling as she seemed outraged that he'd called her old. Snorting softly at her comment he chuckled after a moment when she seemed to verify how old she was at the mention of the upcoming birth of her puppies. "I thought you weren't too much older than I.. going to be a mother now?" He grinned a toothy grin and taunted her softly. "So how's Iskata taking it..." He normally wouldn't have asked about the rest of their family but he had been gone for a while, he wasn't even for certain who besides his mother and Naniko had survived the fires that seemed to have stole their old world away. "..and the rest of the family?" He didn't mind calling his younger half sibling by name but he refused to speak of Phoenix, his anger sparked still at the thought that the one time alpha of Storm would believe that he'd kidnapped his own sister.

His eyes followed Naniko's into the lands of Twilight Vale as they began to walk past the border, his fur raised slightly about being back within packlands, still uneasy after a life of feeling like all eyes were turned on him, expecting the worst from him. "No.." Turning his troubled eyes to Naniko he spoke softly. "I'm not ready for the stares, I'm not ready for everyone who sees what they see and nothing past my appearance. I'm not sure if I ever will be.." He really wasn't certain if there'd be a life out there for him, of clan or pack where he'd be accepted, though atleast he could watch from the sidelines and see though.

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