Searching for Hospitality
OCC- Sorry I'm a little late Tongue

Eric waited, listening to the female change form. He flinched slightly when she pulled him closer, and frowned as she began to lick off the powder from around his eyes. He'd never heard of a method like this, the powder was normally way too strong to be licked. At the first lick, he felt her move back and chuckled, "Has quite a taste doesn't it?" Considering his ex-master used to punish slaves by forcing large quantities of the chilli powder down their throats, Eric wasn't surprised by the wolf's reaction.

He admired her for returning to licking off the powder, he patiently kept still until the lick stopped, and the she-wolf moved back. Eric slowly opened his eyes, they stung slightly at first, but once he had got his eyes open half-way, the stinging stopped. His vision wasn't the best, everything was blurred, but after the effort the female went through to give Eric some amount of sight, he was happy with this vision until they reached the lake.

He moved his eyes from side to side, until they no longer stung as strongly. He nodded towards the blurry female, "Thank you, it's a little better," Eric grabbed the small rope the female offered, "Ready when you are."

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