The Fall of a Comrade



Adelles presence bothered the Sole but he dare not remove her before the ceremony was finished. It has crossed his mind during the night to not allow her to be present for the stone ceremony but had decided as his only kin that it would be best if she were present. But as she lashed out leaving Alyssum to attempt to comfort her as the others said their goodbyes his own fur began to stand on edge. Instinct begged him to rush forward, running out the aggressor, but he dare not. He understood the pain Adelle felt having lost his own parents at such a young age, she was extremely fragile right now and it was best to ignore her behavior. His eyes wandered around the circle, nodding to each member as they placed the stone around Regner’s grave.

At last Adelle tore away from Alyssum’s reassurance and into a fit. Calmly the Knight spoke, “Everyone is excused now. Thank you for your words.” He could tell that his members were growing uncomfortable with Adelle’s actions and the quickly dispersed, leaving him and the Halfling. Two torches were pre-lit, standing on sticks held in place by the earth. “Adelle.” His yellow eyes did not leave the young one as he moved towards her. Large arms wrapped around her, her squirming useless as he hugged her close, lifting her into the air. She was a large and strong girl, but he was bigger and stronger. With a foot he knocked the torch over and onto the pile of wood, which began to burn. “It’ll be okay love.” He reassured as he began to carry her away from the sight, arms holding onto her tightly.


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