Taking on my Words

Out of character

Word Count → 000

Aro had quite the surprise waiting for him within the trees. The beauty jumped right at him, and almost knocked him back, but with a few backward steps he countered the fall allowing him to remained standing. His large hands finding her waist as she planted a very welcomed kiss that he gladly returned with a small growl under his breath. Oh why did she get him all excited so easily. He almost wanted to abandon his trip to stay here and just...well...let's stay focused big guy... She withdrew the sweet kiss and spoke, her tone making him grin and he let a soft moan as he spoke, "Mmm, hello there beautiful, it's a nice surprise as well..." With his words his hands slid seductively down her waist to her behind. ...foooccuuus.. His mind told him trying to stop the impending rise of pheromones and tension that was taking over the atmosphere quickly. He licked his lips before biting onto his lip, the look in his eyes said he wanted to take her right now, but he moved his muzzle away from hers. A low growl came from him, he wanted to have her, but he was frustrated with not letting himself become distracted.

"Maledizione la tua bellezza ..."His deep italian voice spoke before speaking a language she would certainly understand, "..I hate to stop this lovely moment, really...I do, but I came to you because I'm going to be leaving here before the sun gets too high in the sky. I'm going to go see Eclipse to see how she's doing. I'm also going to find something in Halifax to get her...I just wanted to tell you...and see if you maybe you wanted to come with me.." His oceanic eyes peered deeply into hers searching her reaction, her emotions. He knew she wasn't fond of the female he impregnated...and he had still to tell her of Adriana, however, the woman seemed very scarce and wondered if perhaps she knew they weren't Aro's afterall. If so, that was one less riff with Sidra, which was for the best if their dating was to turn into more.

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