sound the siren out through the streets


"For the most part, no... but I do know of one girl that may talk to me," he said, although he was unsure if he was willing to elaborate further. Maybe they had met on neutral terms, before Kol had fully settled into Dahlia de Mai, and maybe they had managed to avoid direct conflict, but he wasn't certain whether or not it was some sort of fluke. He hadn't had the chance to talk to her, after all, but something about it just seemed like it might work. Kol was young, yet sensible, and he hoped that she'd understand that Inferni cared about their kids and bled the same blood as everyone else, even if nobody else understood. "Call it a gut instinct," he mumbled. "It might not be much, but if it's all I'm given to work with I'll be damned if I'm not going to take it." Who could fault him for that?
"Most of what I know of our hostage I've gotten just by looking at her," he said. "She's also pretty young, maybe about Talitha's age. I'm going to try to talk to her in a bit, maybe after she realises that we're still feeding her and not total savages. I put a lot of locks and reinforcements on the shed she's in, which I reckon may be to keep some people out as much as to keep her in." He trailed off here, figuring that Corona would catch the gist of what he was saying. If someone like Hybrid got a hold of Firefly, he might just beat her to within an inch of her life. For Anselm, that missed the point entirely.

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