Taking on my Words

Well...that was short lived...I guess the Marino/Knight lineage shown through there...also I think it was the lack of weed...he's been sober for awhile...

Word Count → 000

By the reaction Sidra gave him, he realized he'd never spoke Italian in front of her. It was obvious it turned her on some, and her response only made him want to please her more. Oh, he needed to remained focused. Once he'd delivered his reason for finding her, the mood swiftly changed. She tried to convince him he didn't need to go, this perked his ears as one of his brows lifted. He was slightly amused by her. She didn't want him to go and it seemed she was trying to find reasons for him not to go. Also the news of him bringing the mother of his puppies a gift seemed to upset her. He gave a hearty chuckle, "...look, I keep my word, you of all should know this...and she is carrying my pups, she deserves something to share with them.." His brow fell as he stared at her with growing frustration as she then spoke in a slightly childish, but stubborn manner.

His jaws clenched and he narrowed his eyes onto her, "...Sidra!" His deep voice boomed at her, "...what? Am I going to get her pregnant again!? No, she's already pregnant? Plus, I thought we had an understanding that we were dating? We're not mated, remember? Or is that still something we need to talk about? Are there boundaries in this dating thing? I thought all I had to worry about was not getting others pregnant or just not sleeping with them or something like that...what is this?" He snapped, as he backed up and folded his arms sternly over his chest in as he straightened fully and puffed out his chest absentmindedly putting himself in a posture of authority.

"Look, you're the only one who has me fully...is that not---you know what, we'll have this conversation another time! I've came here to let you make the choice, you've obviously made it! I can't waste too much time trying to figure out our relationship. I thought it was understood that I am taking full responsibility of what happened with Eclipse...just be thankful you" he unfolded an arm pointing a finger at her," don't have other mothers of my pups to worry about!" His arms went into the air before he turned and began to storm off.

Buck was thoroughly confused at what had happened, his eyes watched both of them, then as Aro stormed off he looked to Solomon then quickly trotted off to catch up with Aro.

Aro was quite fuming as he stormed away from her, "Come si permette! Tutto quello che ho fatto è stato fare una domanda semplice e lei osa cercare di impedirmi di prendere su qualcosa sono responsabile?" He growled a deep feral growl.

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