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Out of character

Word Count → 000

Aro was in no mood to be around others, he sat with a book in his lap. The mother goose and rhymes book.. He had a wine in hand and took a long swig of it. He was not going to be a father...something went wrong with it...and now they were dead...buried... He drowned his sorrows in that bottle. He was drunk and drowning in his self-pity. The tuxedo man was just stuck, he hadn't even talked to Sidra since their argument...he was avoiding her, but knew he would need to see her soon. For now he wanted to cry, he was about to head to his home and just shut himself in for awhile. He took another large swig emptying the bottle as he open the cover. Eclipse hadn't even opened up the hard cover of the book. Inside Aro wrote a little message, and it made his throat tighten knowing that his offspring wasn't going to read it...nor that Eclipse got to read it.


I may not always be there, however, here is a little reminder of me. I hope these rhymes and lullabies fill your puphood with many joys and fun. You're so precious to me, filling my life with joy that I wish to share. I can't wait to hold you, and spend my precious time with you. I hope you always be good for your mom, she is a sweet and kind woman. I know I leave you in good care, and a very good pack. 'Io ti amerò per sempre, i miei cuccioli!'


Aro Marino

Aro held back his tears and swallowed down the lump. He was needing to tough it out for now. He looked up, and his glassy blue eyes found Roath. His book still held open. He blinked a few times and sniffed back trying to compose himself before speaking, "...hello..whatcha need there Raoth?" His ears perked and he gave a slightly forced smile, the drink making him feel a little numb, but he was still aware of himself and surroundings...even if impaired..

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