[M]There's a hole that can't be filled...

Oh poor Aro...

Word Count → 000

He took another large swig of the wine, his eyes wonder to the book on the desk...it was the nursery rhymes book he tried to give to Eclipse before she finally gave him the awful news. The bottle was almost glued to his muzzle when he stared over to it. His eyes went away just as the knock came to the door. The bottle left his lips with a growl, and he nearly slammed it down to his desk. He hadn't moved since he left Raoth's side two...was it two days? Not many had bothered him. Either way, the Marino man hadn't spoke since then, nor seen anyone willingly since then. He grumbled then yelled, "...go away! I can't help you, nor wish to talk to anyone!" His voice was groggy and rough sounding. He was satisfied with his words before he took another hit from his pipe. Eyes cast down, brows lowered in the most unpleasant way.

He didn't figure another knock would come, but it did. He finished his hit then swung his legs over the bed's edge, coughing out some of the smoke. His head felt light, and his body quite uncoordinated, he attempted to compensate for the lack of awareness, and he huffed, "I said, go away!" He boomed as he stammered to the door, and swinging it open. His snarled face found Sidra's and he took an unbalanced step back. His mohawk was unkept and tasseled down, almost covering his eyes. His fur ungroomed. He wasn't looking at all like himself, but again, he didn't feel like himself. He stood there dumbfounded and not sure what to do or say. He wanted her to come in, he wanted to hold her and cry, but that would be very unmanly of him. His lips drew back up and he snarled. "Go away.." His words started out strong, almost convincing, but he fell short. He felt in turmoil, and he attempted to slam the door shut to hide his pain, and to look...he didn't know! He was just upset all over.

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