mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        There was a presence that lurked in the shadows behind him, either following along in his tracks, or just happening to be traveling in the same direction he was. Samael ignored the ghost, thoughts distracted and dwelling on far greater things that lived within his mind that outweighed a simple stalker. He was sick, his mind diseased and his soul rotting from the inside out. It showed in the ragged nature of his coat and the way his skin was stretched so tautly across his bones. Suddenly, a voice broke through his thoughts and the coyote prince stopped. His head turned back, crimson eyes laying on the dark she-yote that blended in so well with the darkness. Her eyes seemed to burn like embers against her black pelt, reflecting what little light was available in the caves. "Yes?" he asked lightly, watching the she-creature with a remote interest.

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