You've gone ahead without me...


It was a strange feeling for him--the thought that he might have helped someone else die so indirectly. At the very least, he couldn't recall a time in the past where he'd been subjected to similar circumstances. Usually, if Anselm was out for somebody, he would do the deed himself. And usually, if he wasn't after somebody, he'd go along his merry way and not even bother to get involved; he typically had enough shit of his own to worry about.
His expression was blank as he watched the other wolf gather up his friend. The golden hybrid continued to look on for a few more moments before he moved off to the side to collect his things, including the axe. Glancing back over his shoulder one last time, he began to move down the road in the direction he'd originally been headed. Frankly, he'd be fine if this was the last time he ever laid eyes upon the strange wolf. He wasn't sure if he still wanted to practise his carpentry or not, but he decided he could figure it out once he got there--wherever that was.

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