spiral staircase straight through the gates of..
mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        Dahlia de Mai. Those wolves and their little war they'd started. He could almost care less now about what'd started it—it was simply an excuse to shed blood and revel in warfare, and for now, that was enough for the Lykoi. "Indeed, I have," he said lightly, remembering the corpse placed on display on the borders of Inferni, stinking of wolf and murder. But the she-yote had been a nobody to the prince, and thus the strike was not personal. The most it did was stir rage for the simple fact that wolves, fucking wolves had been allowed to cross their borders. Their defense had failed. It was a show of weakness, that a wolf could sneak around in the night and slaughter one of their own. Of course, he believed in the individual power more than protecting the weak and helpless. A weak link broke the chain, and this bitch had shattered. She had been weak. She had been killed. Yet, fangs bared, gaze darkening as thoughts drifted forth in his consciousness. He'd once hated Gabriel as their King, not because he believed Kaena's choice had been wrong, but simply for personal reasons. But this was a slip-up in power, and thus not allowed. Those offenders had to be destroyed because of their offense and the problem had to be fixed. This is what Samael believed.

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