Learn to Communicate
Simple words. Raoth felt rather like a child, and not in anyway he'd been treated before. Even as a youth he'd been rather independent in his nature. Actually having someone guide him along step by step was rather irritating. He wanted to prove that he could do it on his own, making him feel even more irritated, and respond even more childishly to the actions. Which only irritated him even more. Raoth was doing his best to not fume as Aro wrote out the words carefully. He really did want to be able to do this after all.

Shaking his head Raoth huffed. He could take it. He would learn. Grabbing the leaf he looked at the words, studying them closely before trying to write out a sentence. I do not like wetng. A proper sentence. He passed it back to Aro, feeling rather pleased with himself. The writing was sloppy and hard to read, but there it was. An actual sentence. One could not look down on him for that. He waited for Aro's approval, sure that the wolf would see that Raoth didn't need to be treated like a child.

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