moths on the wall underneath the light
He imagined that things had been rough, because for a while things had been rough on him. He had never wanted to leave Syemv, but he had never been asked for his opinion. The inner cynic wanted desperately to toy with the what ifs of everything around him, but he knew there that was little he could do about the past. If it was one thing he had learned from either parent, it was that dwelling on the past did anyone little good. Perhaps it was out of spite to his mother that he was destined to not be like her. “I imagine that things have been rough. I tried going back to the house where Syemv was… and well, I managed to catch a glimpse of it. I didn't realise that the coyotes had it now.” Maybe waiting a little more than a minute wasn't exactly what he had in mind when it came down to inquiring about Syemv, but it went right in a row with hardships.

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