the creation continues through the media of man


Word Count → 000

Blue eyes watched Ithiel as he signalled for a break, something Angel was all to eager to agree with. Sweeping the remainder of the dust at his feet away to the pile in the corner, he leant the broom against the wall, still covered in strips of battered wallpaper and heavily stained. Dust particles still floated in the air, hi lighted by the various light sources that entered the room. Angel was not bothered by this though, it was merely the physical work that was irritating him. Of course, he'd much rather have been out exercising than this, cleaning. But it was all for a cause he had deep belief in, so he said nothing. After all, hadn't it been half his idea?

'Of course...' Angel mused softly, 'Perhaps we can use the wood from the dresser? If it's not too damaged?' He had no idea about the state of the wood, he'd not been the one tending to it. 'Simple pews should be easy to construct, and using minimal resources. I think we will struggle with the pulpit, however there are ways I could think to construct one. With a rest for a book too' his words were casual and hinted with his Catalan heritage as blue eyes sought out the corners of the room lazily, imagining it in it's glory.

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