When the Souls of Shadows Reunite.
Thana saw Shadow’s eyes widen and her gaze fell to the water, knowing what was coming. She hated herself for not telling him sooner. Do you remember that night the two of us were drinking? I was in heat and you ended up a little too drunk. You didn’t seem to remember what we did the next morning, or you just didn’t want to remember. That’s what I thought at least. I thought we would have gotten together and well, done it again. That’s why I didn’t tell you. I figured you wouldn’t want to know our first time was a night you couldn’t even remember.

She looked up at him for a moment before her eyes went back to the water. A lump caught in her throat as tears formed in her eyes, feeling like she was about to cry. By the time I even knew I was pregnant, you were long gone. I couldn’t find you anywhere and by the time I did, you already had a mate. She hadn’t expected him to bring up Jaden and his words only made her feel ashamed of herself. You were happy with your mate, I had to at least try to move on. Her head hung low as she waited for his anger to show.

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