[M] My body is a wonderland.

Out of character

Word Count → 000

Oh she moved in ways the almost begged for him to take her, to have her and fill her with all he could give. She awoke by the longing whimper that escaped him and he spoke his wishes to the awoken siren before him. His body ached to have her his mouth drying with need to drink her in. She whined at him almost begging for him to stop holding back, did this mean she wanted to have his offspring. She wanted to carry his seed? Her words answered him, he whimpered with the need and he moved it closing their distance, but he didn't move any further. Her hand had traveled onto him and he growled now urging her to do more. She landed to his shoulder and she too grabbed him in a possessive manner. His body seemed to throb at her actions. Yes, he would have her, he would take her. Her sly smile made his laid back ears flick forward. What was his little vixen up to?

She moved him and he moved at her will, leaning back. He listened to what she had to say. His back found support, allowing him to still be able to watch her comfortably. He was laid down, but slightly propped by a root system that had surfaced. He licked his lips hungrily as she straddled him, her lips finding his and he kissed her with more passion than he thought possible. He was so hungry for her, he drank in the kiss. Hands coming to her side, gripping onto her waist. He could feel her touching him. His hips fought to move wanting to spear her and feel that tight velvet she possessed. He whined, his hips moved and teased her aiming to really tease that opening of hers. He wasn't thinking clearly anymore, he couldn't. She was above him, her body right there, and he wanted to flip her to her back and take her. He wanted so badly to just ravage her body until there was nothing left but a body panting under him. She bit his lip making him let out a throaty growl. She continued her kissing, and he was happy to return them, hoping to remain distracted by the kisses. Her body was trembling with the need to have him, he knew it, and it didn't help him.

His claws dug into her hips and he forced her body to allow his rock hard man hood to tease that opening of hers. It was torture he forced onto himself. Oh it was ready for him, it wanted him. His head went back and his breathing was ragged as if he'd been filling his wanted already on her. His growls filled the air."..I can't take this...I want you...let me have you, please!" He begged. He no longer cared if he produced offspring, he was no longer worried about it. The brute needed to feel her insides, needed to take out all his tension out in her. If he started, he was sure he'd be going until his body could physically no longer do any more. This would surely end in a pregnancy and he didn't care. His mind was gone, her scent sucked it out of him.

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